브랜드 ENZO
품명 cAMP ELISA kit
CAT. NO ADI-900-067 분류 ELISA kit
규격 1 x 96wells 재고 -
소비자가(₩) CAS. NO
온도 -20℃ 4℃ 위험물
수입발주일 매주 목요일 오후 5시
주의사항 Store all components at +4°C, except standard and conjugate at -20°C


This is a colorimetric competitive enzyme immunoassay kit for the quantitative determination of extracellular cAMP. Sensitivity is increased 10-fold by acetylation (reagents included). Absorbance is read at 405 nm. The ready-to-use liquid color-coded reagents provided reduce error.
Alternative Name:cyclic AMP
Sensitivity:(non-acetylated) 0.30 pmol/ml; (acetylated) 0.039 pmol/ml (range (non-acetylated) 0.78 - 200 pmol/ml;(acetylated) 0.078 - 20 pmol/ml)
Assay Time:3 hours
Applications:ELISA, Colorimetric detection
Application Notes:For the quantitative determination of cAMP in culture supernatants, serum, and saliva from any species. Cited sample types include cell lysate, tissue, and urine.
Species reactivity:Species independent
Crossreactivity:cyclic AMP (100%), AMP (0.33%), ATP (0.12%) and <0.001%: cyclic GMP, GMP, GTP, cyclic UMP, CTP
Use/Stability:Store all components at +4°C, except standard and conjugate at -20°C.
Shipping:Shipped on Blue Ice
Contents:GxR IgG Microtiter plate, Conjugate, Antibody, Assay buffer 2, Wash buffer concentrate, Standard, pNpp Substrate, Stop solution, Acetic anhydride, Triethylamine
Scientific Background:Cyclic AMP (cAMP) is one of the most important “second messengers” involved as a modulator of physiological processes. A number of hormones are known to activate cAMP through the action of the enzyme Adenylate cyclase which converts ATP to cAMP. cAMP has been shown to be involved in the cardiovascular and nervous systems, immune mechanisms, cell growth and differentiation, and general metabolism.

Manual  / MSDS  


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